21 Mayıs 2018 Pazartesi

my picture

I was curcumcised.I was 10 years old

I was very Happy but sometimes very scare

I wısh I had wear dıfferent and beatıful clothes

I Wish I had be curcumcised alone.

I wısh I had be 4 -5 years old

I wısh I Had be very fun

I wısh I Had Spend  money



Elazığ is hıstorıcal cıty. For example Harput is very old place.                                                        

It have very delicious food; köfte ekmek,tutmaç, umaç aşı, kara kavurma.                     

Elazığ have tradınatıal clothes. For example yelek, köynek, miso, don ve tuman,Üçetek-şalvar, cepken-şalvar, entari

Elazığ people is very crazy And clever but sometımes very serıous and angry

 It have very folk dance; üç ayak,halay,ağır halay,kılıç kalkan,orta oyunu,çifte telli,çayda çıra,delili,zeybek,kadın halayı 

,HarputCastle (Süt (Milk) Castle) The historical Harput castle is located at the southeast of the ancient city of Harput, at a position dominating the Elazığ plain. 

İnteresting hobby

                                            Cycle polo

Cycle polo is a team sport, similar to traditional polo, except  bicycles are used instead of horses.          There are 2 versions of the sport  Hardcourt Bike Polo. The hardcourt game has seen a sharp spike in interest as of 2007and new teams are sprouting up across the world - in China, Canada, Ireland, Switzerland, France, India, Germany, Pakistan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Hungary, Australia, New Zealand...

There are 6 members on a team of which are on field at a time. The other two are used as substitutes. International matches are played for a duration of 30 minutes divided into periods of 7.5 minutes each called as a chukkar. Extra time can be used to determine the winner in case the scores are tied at normal time.

First played

October 1891 - County Wicklow, Ireland. (Rathclaren Rovers V Ohne Hast Cycling Club)  


24 Aralık 2017 Pazar




Different and skillful

Love to work

Like to animals



Supervisor healty animals food certificate


Meliksah High School 

Uludag Universty

Vet Faculty



Worked Zoo

My dıology